This blog is intended as a bulletin board to show the quilts I've been making on my vintage and treadle sewing machines. My husband and I collect antique and vintage sewing machines and I use them to make all my quilts. Here are some of the results.
Mary-Lou sent a few more pictures which I added just now. Thanks Mary-Lou!
I attended a very enjoyable retreat from my local small quilt guild today. We had a great day together and accomplished a lot! Our guild has 17 or 18 members and we meet at each others' homes for show and tell, brainstorming and enjoying good food and fellowship. At our last meeting, we were all paired up to get to know another member better and work on a charity quilt for chemo patients at our local hospital. Several of us worked on these quilts and others worked on Christmas gifts or other UFO's. Here is my partner, Yvonne, working on purple and blue Boxy Stars from Bonnie Hunter's great site. We chose a pansy fabric with reds, greens, blues, purples and golds for our border and started cutting strips from our stashes that blended with this fabric. Here is Yvonne working hard on her purple and blue version of boxy stars:
Pat P was working on a quilt using Australian fabrics that her son brought from Australia.
Mary-Lou's taking a coffee break while working on a stained glass applique:
Mary-Lou sent this picture of her stained glass butterfly top so far so we can see that she didn't sit and drink coffee all day LOL:
Jessie working hard on her blue and yellow charity quilt that she is making together with Chris:
Chris working hard at her machine: shall we lay out the blocks? A big advantage of working on a project at a retreat is getting help and lots of opinions :-). Here Mary Lou is giving Jessie a hand: Chris and Jessie with their finished top!
Chatting is also a big part of a retreat :-). The conversation had something to do with being short! Heather is making a point while Anne's working hard and Pat O is listening: Anne posing between the two shorties LOL:
Heather is working on a snowman Christmas quilt using a charm pack:
Denise had 12 hand embroidered squares done by her Mother and was squaring them up to add sashing:
The blocks were awesome and so nicely done:
Denise sewed a lovely blue sashing between the blocks:
Mary-Lou sent this picture of Denise's finished top:
Cynthia taking a break from sewing very diligently on her Cobblestones quilt from a Heather Stewart workshop at the London Friendship Quilt Guild.
Carolyn, deep in thought over the next cut to make :-):
Of course I didn't get a chance to take a picture of myself working hard, but I did get lots is the evidence :-). Red and green Boxy Stars with a gold center. But, when we put the original focus pansy fabric alongside the blocks for a border, it looked terrible! So, we brainstormed that these blocks would look best without sashings and I will add a small border of the background white fabric and then look for a green fabric in my stash for a border.
Mary-Lou sent this picture of me working at my station, so you can see proof that I was actually there myself LOL:
Of course, no retreat is complete without goodies. There was plenty of coffee and tea and wonderful squares, and, of course, chocolate!
We enjoyed a delicious lunch at the Wayside Inn. It certainly was an enjoyable day. Thanks so much Pat P for organizing it!
I got together with Gail on Wednesday night to finally get started on our guild chatelaine. I bought the kit more than two years ago when I became a member! About time to start on it. As you can see from the photo, it's no wonder that I didn't tackle it earlier LOL...this block is the emblem of our guild and I'm handpiecing it. Some of the pieces are so small I don't think I'd be able to get them under my sewing machine needle! Easier by hand, I think. Good thing I had all that practise with the Psalms blocks and Dear Jane blocks. There are 37 pieces and the block ends up being 4 1/4"!! I have the bottom corners together. Hopefully I can show you a photo of the finished block soon.
If you wear your chatelaine to the meetings you get an extra ticket for the draw :-). That should give some incentive to finish it soon!
As promised, here are some pictures of the other Underground Railroad quilt I made using the 12" blocks from Eleanor Burns book, "Underground Railroad". Sorry about the poor quality of the pictures, but it was a little big for my design wall and is quite close to the fluorescent light at the ceiling. That seems to throw the colours off a bit and it's not hanging straight either! At least you get the idea! We had a huge pile of snow today, so I can't go outside and take a picture :-). Hopefully, someday I can get a better picture and I will add it to this post then.
This quilt was done as a group project with 6 ladies that I met while living in Ancaster when DH went back to University to get his BEd degree. We lived in an apartment and came home on weekends occasionally where our son was 'holding the fort' :-). I worked at the Quilt Rack in Ancaster for those two years and met a lot of wonderful quilters. Getting together to sew in the evenings was great while DH was studying and attending classes. Each of us chose two blocks and made 6 identical ones. I did the basket block and the flying geese block. We sewed the log cabin blocks together one evening and each person did their own label block. I didn't have quite enough of the border fabric so had to get creative with the corners. I ended up having to piece the last 1 1/2" tan strip as I was running out of fabric! I put a solid blue strip in the center of each border and just managed. There are many fond memories in this quilt!
I love this block!In a moment of insanity, I thought it would cool to handquilt a cable in the sashings! It took quite awhile to do this, but I really like it. But, now I really should handquilt the border too! I may quilt some feathers in the outside border.
One of the blocks that I sewed:
The label was copied onto fabric at a copy shop using the same process as printing on a Tshirt. I added leftover bits from my mini Underground Railroad quilt to make the block 12".
Picture is a bit crooked, but here you can see the corner block. The colours are much more accurate on this picture.
It's about time I update my blog! I have several projects I could post, but hadn't taken any pictures yet. Finally got around to photos of this Underground Railroad Mini quilt I finished. I started this quilt when I worked at the Quilt Rack in Ancaster three years ago. We were teaching classes using Eleanor Burn's Underground Railroad book incorporating readings from Underground Railroad history and having speakers and special guests in to augment the classes. As we made the 12" sample blocks for the quilt, I made the 6" miniature version of the blocks. I finally got the quilt finished in time for our guild show two weeks ago. However, I'm not really happy with the quilting in the sashings and I'm thinking of taking it out. And, I've finally come up with a brainstorm for a quilt design in the border, so I hope to get at that soon.
Some closer up pictures of each corner of the quilt:
The label was printed on cotton fabric at a copy shop using the same process as printing onto a T-shirt.